Command+Shift+Left is a podcast that helps you navigate the treacherous waters of the software development, ops, and security world, while also diving into the hot current trends in the industry. Join us, and embark on a journey through hilarious real-world stories, pro-tips and hacks for navigating your way around developer security.
Podcasting since 2023 • 31 episodes
Latest Episodes
E29: Hacktoberfest & AI Paradoxes
In this episode, we discuss Hacktoberfest’s impact on open-source contributions and the unique challenges it brings for maintainers. Then, we went into the “Jevons Paradox” and its relevance to AI, exploring how increased efficiency can lead to...
Season 3
Episode 29

E28: Quantum Security & Tech Debt Traps
In this episode, we dive into the fascinating layers of "everything as code" and how recursive coding practices are changing software management. We explore the potential of quantum cryptography to revolutionize data security, possibly making h...
Season 3
Episode 28

E27: Biocomputers & Security Evolution
In this episode, we explore the fascinating world of biocomputers and how brain cells are being used to control machines. We dive into what this means for the future of AI and security. We also discuss the growing threats of browser vulnerabili...
Season 3
Episode 27

E26: Open Robotics & DevOps Evolution
In this episode, we explore how open-source robotics are reshaping remote work, allowing users to control robots from thousands of miles away with incredible precision. We also delve into how DevOps may be a solved problem, but the next frontie...
Season 3
Episode 26